Venetia Higgins

Venetia Higgins (b. 1993) is a contemporary Artist and Print-Maker from London.

Venetia’s practice is almost always inspired by British flora and fauna, and tends to subconsciously shift in colour and subject matter to reflect seasonal changes. She prioritises the process over the outcome when creating a piece of work, often incorporating many mediums in one piece or repurposing old work through collage. 

“Drawing - whether in pencil, paint, or lino-cut - provides the starting point, the structure, and the understanding of what I’m trying to achieve. Once I have this foundation I can start to play. This is when I cut up and repurpose snippets of old work and bring in a variety of different mediums. I wouldn’t be able to feel this sense of freedom and playfulness without having the foundation of drawing.”

Venetia studied History of Art at the University of Edinburgh and has since worked in the non-profit sector with leading roles in large-scale creative fundraising campaigns. 

After Lascaux

Watercolour, pastel & ink on textured paper.

30 x 42 cm

Canopy 1

Monotype on paper

21 x 30cm

Canopy 2

Monotype on paper

21 x 30cm

Imagined landscape

Combination of Lino and Mono Print


Moonlit Reflections

Oil pastel & lino print collage

30 x 42cm

Silver birch 1

Monotype on Bible paper

21 x 30cm

Silver birch 2

Monotype on Bible paper

21 x 30cm

Woodland Scene

Mixed media collage of monoprints & watercolour

21 x 30 cm